
Here are some more of the things I've worked on. React Blackjack and the DS Capstone were school projects. The rest are functional projects created to solve real problems that I had.

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[In Progress] Hotkey+

  • C#

Hotkey+ is the first library to extend native windows hotkey functionality. It also allows hotkey recording, assigning data, is easy to use, and much more. It is compatible with modern UI frameworks.

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  • Python

This was my data analysis capstone project for my I2DS class at NYU.

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  • React
  • Next.js
  • Chakra UI
  • Contentful

This website was built with React, Next.js, Chakra UI, and uses Contenful as the CMS.

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  • JavaScript
  • Puppeteer

Utilises puppeteer to scrape the NYU public course search via a headless browser for the desired class and check its status. Manipulates user agent randomly to avoid detection. Sends an alert via telegram when the class status changes.

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  • React
  • mongoDB
  • Express
  • Node.js
  • Passport

A blackjack app built with react. Supports user authentication. Your balance and game history are preserved. Implemented in react, node.js, passport, mongoDB.

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  • C#
  • win32

A lightweight low-level global windows keyboard hook compatible with modern UI frameworks (WPF, MAUI, WinUI 3, etc.)

Built with Next.js & Chakra UI. Hosted on Vercel.